Minna Chingu! Ya que disfrutan de los mejores productos traídos de Corea y Japón, tendremos una sección de recomendaciones: Tidbits*.
En esta sección semanal, te recomendaremos anime, música, películas, o cualquier información interesante de ambos países. Todo esto lo hacemos mientras disfrutas de algún pocky o pepero. Espero te animes a leernos y dejarnos tus comentarios.
Arigatou Gozaimasu! Annyeong!
*Tidbits definición Cambridge Dictionary: una pequeña pieza de información interesante, o un pequeño plato de comida de sabor agradable.
3 comentarios
Hi there,
I am Karlie and I’m part of the team at Influx-Nova ™, the world’s leading targeted traffic supplier for eCommerce websites. In working with a lot of Shopify sellers from your niche, I noticed that one of the key issues they’re struggling with is getting more sales.
In the last 7 years we helped LOADS OF Shopify store owners reach new clients, resulting in more and more leads. What would it be like for you to be our next high achiever?
Our services start from $25 only and you can start receiving consistent and targeted eCommerce traffic in the next couple of hours. Simply go here https://snip.link/augustdiscount , choose the package that is the most suitable for your specific needs, add to cart, proceed to checkout, submit the URL and you’re done. After that you just need to sit back and relax while we’re doing our best in driving the traffic to your store.
Don’t miss out! In less than 12 hours, our 50% discounted prices will increase back to normal. Due to the fact that we provide results, our customer return rate is extremely high and I can almost guarantee you’ll come back again after trying our service.
Best Regards,
Shopify Success Specialist – Influx-Nova ™
\🤩/ Felicidades!! Espero que tengan mucho éxito y sigan creciendo 💮
Felicidades, siempre sigo la página, mas de algún día me voy a dar el gusto de comprara cosas con ustedes… Pero también podrían traer licor nacional de esos países, ropa seria algo diifcil